Quarkonia in the quark gluon plasma pdf

Jun 09, 2010 over the past decade, physicists around the world have been trying to recreate that soup, known as quark gluon plasma qgp, by slamming together nuclei of atoms with enough energy to produce trilliondegree temperatures. Moreover, the way that quarks and gluons interact is unlike any other particlesat low temperatures and densities, they attract each other more strongly as they are separated, which. Dissociation of heavy quarkonia in the quarkgluon plasma. Heavy quarkonium potentials and bound states in quark gluon. In collisions where quark gluon plasma is formed, quarkonia suppression due to color screening is expected to be a large effect 5. Suppression of quarkonia and jets in the quark gluon plasma andrea beraudo infn sezione di torino latticeqcd workshop, 2223 december 2014 torino 154.

First, we analyze how gluon condensate affects the entropic force. Subsequent analysis of the dissociation temperatures of heavy quarkonia at t in detail in 6 and summarized in 7. This enables the evaluation of quarkonium boundstate properties and heavy quark diffusion on a common basis and thus to obtain mutual constraints. In recent years, a new picture has emerged where quarkonium dissociates at temperatures lower than the. A recent estimate puts the needed temperature at 1. We close with a brief survey of phenomenological models of quarkonium suppression in relativistic heavy ion collisions.

Introduction to the physics of the quarkgluon plasma and. The exact conditions needed to give rise to this state are unknown and have been the subject of a great deal of speculation and experimentation. Introduction hadrons containing heavy quarks are widely used to deduce basic properties of the strong force as given by quantum chromodynamics qcd 1. A quarkgluon plasma is formed in highenergy heavyion collisions at rhic. Quark gluon plasma gravitational wave if this signature occurs in the gravitational waves that we will receive from future neutronstar mergers, we would have a clear evidence for the creation of quark gluon plasma in the present universe. Quarkonia and heavyquark relaxation times in the quark. Quark gluon plasma, heavy quarks and quarkonia, tmatrix i. Disintegration of quarkonia in qgp due to time dependent potential partha bagchi suppression of heavy quarkonia as a signal for the quark gluon plasma phase in relativistic heavyion collisions has been investigated intensively since the original proposal by matsui and satz 1.

Citeseerx document details isaac councill, lee giles, pradeep teregowda. This theoretical phase of matter is called quark gluon plasma. Maria paola lombardo istituto nazionale di fisica nucleare italy quarkonia in the quark gluon plasma. A thermodynamic tmatrix approach for elastic twobody interactions is employed to calculate spectral functions of open and hidden heavy quark systems in the quark gluon plasma. Introduction experiments at the relativistic heavyion collider rhic suggest that the. Quasiparticles, quarkonia, and quantitative constraints on the quark gluon plasma from strings to things. Heavy quarkonia suppression is one of the useful probe for quark gluon plasma formation in heavy ion collisions. We elaborate in particular on a recent idea of antihyperon production solely by multimesonic reactions. Pdf heavy quarkonia in quarkgluon plasma cheukyin wong.

The bound states of heavy quarks and antiquarks, socalled. Unlike up and down quarks, from which everyday matter is made, strange quarks are formed in pairproduction processes in collisions between constituents of the plasma. A plasma see plasma power is an ionized gas, like the matter in a spark or a lightning bolt. Heavy quarkonia are expected to play an important role in testing qcd and investigating the nature of the qcd phase of quarks and gluons. Quark gluon plasma and the early universe top, bottom, and charm quarks freeze out and g. Even after exiting the nucleus and projecting onto a. States of matter the quarkgluon plasma is a state of strongly interacting matter, in which the quarks and gluons, which make up hadrons, are not longer coni ned to colorneutral entities of hadronic size.

It is shown that such a model allows to correctly reproduce, at leading. Quest for the quarkgluon plasmahard and electromagnetic. This in turn would lead to a suppression of the measured abundance of heavy quarkonia in the presence of a quark gluon plasma. Subsequent analysis of the dissociation temperatures of heavy quarkonia at t quarkonia by thermalization and by. Maria paola lombardo istituto nazionale di fisica nucleare. The dominant mechanism of production involves gluons only present when matter has become a quark gluon plasma. Quark gluon plasma or qgp is an interacting localized assembly of quarks and gluons at thermal kinetic and close to chemical abundance equilibrium. Kinetic recombination of charm and anticharm quarks in the qgp hepph0007323 important model input.

We find that for the jpsi, the total thermal width above 1. Moreover, the total width was found to grow to more than 250 mev at 1. The stability of hea vy quarkonia in the quarkgluon plasma is an interesting subject of current research in highenergy heavyion collisions as matsui and satz hav e suggested that. Heavy quark hq systems are also valuable for studying hot and dense matter, in particular for temperatures and quark.

Quarkonia and heavyquark relaxation times inthe quark. Dissociation of heavy quarkonia in thequarkgluonplasma. Pdf the thermal width of heavy quarkonia moving in quark. We present here a brief summary of the presentation given at the quark gluon plasma thermalization workshop in vienna, austria in august 2005, directly fol heavy quarks and heavy quarkonia as tests of thermalization springerlink.

I have found no according interwikis in the german, franch, russian and hungarian wikipedia. Pdf quarkonium production and absorption in protonnucleus collisions. May 20, 2017 a story about what phase transitions of the existing matter in our nature, what is a quark gluon plasma, what relation does it have to neutron stars and to the birth of our universe. Haseeb department of physics ciit, islamabad first school on lhc physics oct 26, 2009. Because of asymptotic freedom, the interaction between quarks and gluons are fairly weak at hightemperature, and it shall be a good approximation to describe the plasma in terms of a noninteracting parton gas. The thermal width of heavy quarkonia moving in quarkgluon. Heavy quarks and heavy quarkonia as tests of thermalization.

Theoretical studies of quarkonia can elucidate some of the important properties of the quarkgluon plasma, the state of matter realised when the temperature exceeds o150 mev, currently probed by heavyion collisions experiments at bnl and the lhc. The stability of heavy quarkonia in the quark gluon plasma is an interesting subject of current research in highenergy heavyion collisions as matsui and satz suggested that the suppression of j. The quarkgluon plasma a short introduction sciencedirect. The mechanism predicts a sequential suppression pattern for different. Raa at the lhc is reproduced by models based on the regeneration mechanism two different approaches. Nucleon gas nuclear matter quark matter when many hadrons overlap, quarks cannot identify their hadron.

This article has wrong interwikis, leads to the interwikis and the wikidata quark gluon plasma. Bibtex entry for this abstract preferred format for this abstract see preferences. The degree of screening is highly nonperturbative at temperatures near the phase transition temperature 8. On the fate of quarkonia in quark gluon plasma medium.

Disintegration of quarkonia in qgp due to time dependent. Melting of a quarkonia bound state to its constituent is one of the predicted signatures of qgp because in a hot plasma of quarks and gluons, it should be harder for stable hadrons to retain their binding. The stability of hea vy quarkonia in the quark gluon plasma is an interesting subject of current research in highenergy heavyion collisions as matsui and satz hav e suggested that. Quark gluon plasma qgp is a special and exotic form of matter that does not occur under normal terrestrial conditions. In a nutshell, qgp also known as quark matter in the contemporary use of the language is an interacting localized assembly of quarks and gluons at thermal kinetic and not necessarily chemical abundance equilibrium heavier quark flavors such as strangeness and. We can now calculate the contribution to the energy density from the quark gluon plasma as a. Quasiparticles, quarkonia, and quantitative constraints on. Detar 2, 3, hansson, lee, and zahed 4, and simonov 5, 6, 7 argued. Heavy quarkonia in quarkgluon plasma internet archive. In this work, we calculate the thermal width of the. The dissociation of heavy quarkonia by thermalization and by. Jy and y2s or a beauty and antibeauty quark pair bottomonia, e. Suppression of quarkonia and jets in the quark gluon plasma.

A state of strongly interacting matter, in which the constituents of hadrons, quarks and gluons, are not spatially con. The aim of this book is to offer to the next generation of young researchers a broad and largely selfcontained introduction to the physics of heavy ion collisions and the quark gluon plasma, providing material beyond that normally found in the available textbooks. Strangeness production is a signature and a diagnostic tool of quark gluon plasma qgp formation and properties. A thermodynamic tmatrix approach for elastic 2body interactions is employed to calculate spectral functions of open and hidden heavy quark systems in the quark gluon plasma. Measurements with hard and electromagnetic probes play a central role in the discovery of qgp and the study of its properties. Scomparin infn torino junior day, alice week march 24 28, 2014 charmonium bottomonium an observable connected with deconfinement a thermometer of the system studied since sps times 1986 onwards.

Pdf widths of quarkonia in quark gluon plasma kyungil. It is expected that due to the color screening in qgp, certain quarkonium states will be dissociated at a suf. A quark gluon plasma qgp or quark soup is a state of matter in quantum chromodynamics qcd which exists at extremely high temperature andor density. String theory methods in qcd and hadron physics, may 2008 jamie nagle university of colorado, boulder.

The discovery path of quarkgluon plasma university of arizona. Quarkonia probe the color interactions of the medium. Unlike in other phase transitions, in confinementdeconfinement phase transition, the constituents of the qgp do not exist freely. The quark gluon plasma may be revealed by an upsilon1s dilepton peak with an invariant mass close to twice the current b quark mass, which is lower than the upsilon1s mass in free space. Quarkonia in the quark gluon plasma international journal. Jul 19, 2012 primordial soup of big bang recreated. We first discuss, on a noqgp basis, the two prominent indications of a enhanced strangeness production and of b anomalous j. The behavior of the heavy quarkonium states in hot strongly interacting matter was proposed as test of its confinement status, since a sufficiently hot deconfined medium will dissolve any binding between the quark antiquark pair 11. The second part of the talk is devoted to the properties of heavy quarkonia in the strongly interacting quark gluon plasma sqgp and their consequences for observables in heavyion collisions. The stability of heavy quarkonia in the quarkgluon plasma is an interesting subject of current research in highenergy heavyion collisions as matsui and satz suggested that the suppression of j. Quark gluon plasma, heavy quarks and quarkonia, ultrarelativistic heavyion collisions 1.

Using a temperaturedependent potential obtained from lattice gauge calculations of karsch et al. Signals of quarkgluon plasma book chapter iopscience. As such quarkonia constitute a prominent tool to study the properties of the quarkgluon plasma qgp, formed in such collisions. Pdf we study the evolution of the quarkgluon composition of the plasma created. Recent lattice calculations showed that the quarkonia will survive beyond the phase transition temperature, and will dissolve at different temperatures depending on the type of the quarkonium. In ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, a deconfined state of quarks and gluons quarkgluon plasma. A large amount of data from hard and electromagnetic probes have been reported by phenix in more than 10 years of rhic operation. Quark gluon plasma and the relativistic heavyion collisions villa gualinotorino, 732011. This state is thought to consist of asymptotically free stronginteracting quarks and gluons, which are ordinarily confined by color confinement inside atomic nuclei or other hadrons. Introduction to the physics of the quarkgluon plasma and the. But unlike these plasmas, as its name implies, the abovementioned quark gluon plasma is made of exotic particles.

The word plasma signals that free color charges are allowed. Introduction quenching of jets quarkonium suppression heavyion collisions. The original picture was that the quarkgluon plasma inducescolour screening at a length. Transport properties and langevin dynamics of heavy quarks. Jul 15, 2011 the quarkgluon plasma a short introduction helmut satz fakultaa. Pdf chemical composition of the quarkgluon plasma in. Entropic destruction of heavy quarkonium in quarkgluon. Pdf coupled boltzmann transport equations of heavy quarks. Primordial soup of big bang recreated quarkgluon plasma. The thermal width of heavy quarkonia moving in quark gluon plasma. Theoretical studies of quarkonia can elucidate some of the important properties of the quarkgluon plasma, the state of matter realised when the temperature. Quarkonia and heavyquark relaxation times inthe quarkgluon.